Sunday, July 11, 2010

Morden Roses

Bouquet of Morden Roses and dianthus.

Aside from a few mini-roses, the only others in my flower garden are from the Morden hardy collection.  I like these roses and would like to add more to my collection.  Seen above are the 'Prairie Joy' (pink), 'Morden Blush' (peach), 'Adelaide Hoodless' (red), and a bud from the 'Hope for Humanity' (dark red). These are all favourites of mine for different reasons; among them being that all are prairie hardy.

Prairie Joy Rose
The Prairie Joy was one of the first shrubs we planted when moving here 15 years ago.  I have actually divided it and begifted many people with a slip.

Adeleide Hoodless Rose
This rose was started from a slip from one of my sisters.  It blooms every year with a multitude of small roses, the just-opening buds being perfect for corsages.

Morden Blush
My newest rose, this was bought last year at season closing for a dollar!!  It thrived from the start and made it through an unpredictable winter where other roses and perennials didn't.  The rose has lovely old-fashioned looking flowers, tightly pedaled in the most beautiful soft pink colour. 

Hope for Humanity
Named for the Canadian Red Cross' 100th anniversary, this rose has beautiful deep red velvety  flowers.  The plant itself has sturdier stems than my other roses.  It took a while for it to show signs of life this spring and I almost took it for dead.  I decided to leave it be and see what will happen.  A lucky move as it finally sent up shoots from the ground and is just now starting to bloom.


  1. I love flowers. What amazing pictures. Good luck on the giveaway.

