A garter snake; I saw one skidding across a puddle in a ditch this week as if it was slithering over sand.
I was diverted, this is from the greenhouse, which is always on the agenda when I go walking these days. I like going through, small and cramped as it is, and see what is happening there.
Cushion spurge, finally got a piece from one of my sisters last year. It has shown itself alive and well, for which I am very thankful. It has the most beautiful colouring through the year, starting with a brilliant yellow in the spring.
Seagulls are worth noting, they are one of the first birds back in the spring and once here, you can hardly miss them. Noisy, and a bit of a nuisance, they do however clean up any food scrap left at the dump so credit must be given them.
I am in search of the prairie crocus. I have never seen any around here, but there is always the possibility.
Hi kathy, thanks for stopping by my blog. I just LOVE the music on your blog. So inspiring. Gotta go and make me a quilt, tonight!!
String Thing Challenge
Sew Far Sew Good Quilt Shop