Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wintery Grey Wednesday

The title should have read 'Wintery White', but I had to change it.  Things are really grey around here lately.  We are having such a classic winter.  Snow is constant, even if only a fine mist of it!  It should also have been 'wordless', but no -- I had to do a bit of writing!
How else would you know that this is a Hairy woodpecker and not a Downy woodpecker as I've pictured before?  They are almost identical but for the Hairy to be a lot bigger in size.
These are Bohemian Waxwings; my first sighted.  Or I might have seen them before and mistaken them for Cedar waxwings.  They cleared off the small crabs from our front lawn apple tree one morning this week.  The pictures were taken through a window.
On this picture you can clearly see (if you enlarge:) the yellow tail markings, grey belly, and the brownish red under-tail feather that are common field marks for identifying the Bohemian waxwing.
 Chickadees are always in abundance.

 The woodpecker again.
 These guys are hibernating for the winter.
And so are these ancient implements. 
They are still brought out and used for the potato seeding and harvest each year!
Back from our walk!

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