It's been awhile since I've posted. I was gone for a few weeks, came home to a conference, and then spent the better part of last week cleaning at home and at school!
The visit to the states was a nice summer break for me. It was great spending time with my sister and family. Being there for the arrival of a new baby girl, Amara Caitlyn was special. No pics though -- sorry. I left without a camera and regretted it not only at my sister's but also at the conference. (Blackberry pics though!)
I came back to Canada the day before the conference so I had to stay in the Winnipeg area, attend the conference (3 days), and then come home.
The conference was great. I hadn't been to one of the ICHE conferences in a few years. The session choice was good. There was a nice selection of sessions in all subject areas that I was interested in. I regretted not making it to some of the history ones, as I was keenly interested in the topics offered. Had to forsake them though as I needed educational ones more. We are a private school and don't come by these sessions often.
I enjoyed meeting up with old friends and networking with colleagues. The vendor content was interesting. I have ordered some sound, wholesome literature from
Prairie View Press. Can't wait for it to arrive and have ready for the beginning of the school year.
Also on display was a great selection of Hutterite art, mostly by high-schoolers. Photos on community life were on display and to purchase, and amazingly, there was an area where Hutterite art was being demonstrated; spinning, pottery, basket-weaving, and painting.
Had a wonderful few weeks and am ready for some serious planning for the coming school year now.